Hmmmmmm... I was slacking. I have no excuse, I just know I need to do something about it. I am a proponent of student voice, always have been. My kids have always participated in Skypes, usedClassdojoto tell their stories, tweeted from our class account, (Classrooms only),connected during Global Read Aloud with other classes, participated in projects, etc... But during the school year that just ended, I felt like I did not do enough to get their voices heard beyond our classroom. There weren't many connections made. Was it me? Was it this group of kids? I am not sure. I just know I need to get back on track. We did a Mystery Skype, once. We read the book for Global Read Aloud and only made one connection. We rarely tweeted...:(. I could go on. So next year, I am going to make sure we go back to having our voices heard outside of our classroom. It is important to me that my students not only share their voice, but make connections with others,and hear their voices too. I want them to know that their voice matters, and that our classroom is not the world.I am even thinking about letting them create a weekly podcast. Really excited about this! ( I am, no we are, going to connect again, so that their learning is not just taking place in Room 5! This upcoming school year, I will make sure they are given multiple opportunities to connect and share with the world!
Share the most important/impactful professional learning in which you have participated, so far. How did it impact your practice moving forward?
This post is week 2 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators.” Whenever I am asked the question about the "best" professional learning format, I think for a minute, but then my response is always the same, Twitter. Not Twitter, where I tell people what I had for breakfast or where I went on vacation. I mean, "Educator Twitter", where I have met, online or face to face, so many dedicated people who are all about education in any form. I can't narrow it down to one experience because there have been so many. Whether it is making connections, learning about resources, connecting my students with a global audience, participating in projects, having experts talk to my kids, sharing my ideas and having others expand on them, and/or just chatting with like-minded people. Not to mention, how Twitter has led me to connect via other modes of social media, like FB groups, Voxer, and Instagram. The great part about Twitter is it is truly a personalized professional learning experience. You follow who you wish. Block those you don't want to hear from. You can get on at 12 am, 3 am, or 8 pm, it's up to you. You can lurk or insert your voice in every conversation. The impact of Twitter on my practice has been amazing! Every year I add something new to my teaching repertoire due to the connections I have made on Twitter. Teaching is never a dull experience for me because I embrace the new ideas and apply them to my classroom, which can only enhance learning for my students, my ultimate goal! @BriteEyes49