I try to switch up what we do for Morning Meeting activities.
So I came up with this little activity,"Tell Me About Your Number!"
You need devices, but you do not need Wifi, just download a QR code reader. I use Inigma.
First, I created QR code sheets using the QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator. When I created them, I only put the number and an asterik because all I wanted the kids to see was a number when they scanned it. Once you create your "quiz", it is very easy to print the QR codes, they are made for you.

Next, when the number appeared, they had to write the number AND an equation for that number. It could be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division or a combination of operations. The team with the most equations completed won. They were timed, had to vary the operations, and of course, their equations had to be correct.
I loved watching my students work. They really enjoyed this. They were engaged the entire time and came up with a number of ways to represent each number. My students love competition, but you could always take that out of the equation.:)
The kids had fun, solved problems, were engaged, and collaborated.! Adding QR codes to this activity was a way to take something simple and pump it up!