
Friday, August 2, 2013

Teaching: My Passion is Not a Reflection on You!

My teenager said to me, "Mom, do you realize that you are lucky to have your dream job? Most people hate their job".

He's right. I am extremely blessed to be able to do this job for 29 years, and still love it. This is the job I have wanted to do since I was that little girl. That girl, in her friend's basement, attempting to teach the few kids we could scrounge up.

I am passionate about teaching. However, at times, I feel guilty about how much I enjoy it. Not only about how much I enjoy it, but how much time I dedicate to it. I don't mean the guilt I feel when it comes to my husband and/or son. That guilt I feel when I have switched from laptop, to Ipad, to Smartphone, talking to my PLN, searching for "that" lesson. I refer to those who feel that I shouldn't, because they don't. "Don't you have a life?", they ask.

Yes, I do and my passion for education, for teaching, is part of it. I go to the beach, family outings, the movies. I do all the things they feel I should do. But instead of watching reality TV, reading People magazine, or playing a mind-numbing game of Candy Crush, (not that there's anything wrong with that), I choose to blog, tweet, read, comment, on anything and everything about education! 

My passion drives me to not walk into my classroom, and dust off lesson plans from 1998. I will never "teach to the test." I will not give up #5thchat on a Tuesday evening, or the chance to join a webinar on a Saturday. I will not treat the integration of technology as if it is an unspeakable horror. That is not who I am. And in my quest to grow, to prevent stagnation after 29 years, I search, and in searching, I learn. And I take what I learn, and apply it in my classroom.

I don't do it so that I will look better than anyone. I don't do it to impress. I don't do it because someone asked me to. I do it because I choose to. It can't be helped if what I do is recognized, and yes, sometimes, rewarded. I am not going to diminish my light because someone else may feel dim beside me. It is not my intention to make someone seem less than I am.

I do not judge teachers who do not share my passion, to each his/her own. But, my passion motivates me, guides me, drives me, and is evident in my classroom every day. And I don't see anything wrong with that:)

I am an iEducate Delaware finalist! I am being honored for what I do in my classroom to enhance learning.  If you choose to vote for me, click this link!


  1. Wow!!! Well said! Your students and your district are very lucky to have you as a teacher. Keep up the great work. I am also passionate about teaching and you have summarized this "passion for teaching" perfectly.

    Thank you for everything you do!

    Oliver Schinkten

  2. I am biased, but Twitter has been the best way I have created my PLN. If you join even one chat, you will meet many teachers who are passionate about teaching. You can also create a PLN using Google+, Edmodo, Linkedin,etc... But again, my favorite is Twitter.
    Cybraryman's list of Twitter Chats:

  3. Teachers must be passionate. They must keep learning; it's who they are. They must have fun with their job because otherwise the job is way too stressful without fun. Teachers who don't feel the calling that you feel will be jealous. Don't let that jealousy diminish your passion. I love reading your posts because of that passion. Have a terrific year!

    1. Thank you so much, and you as well!
      I agree, our job is stressful enough, imagine if we didn't have fun!:)
